Generally, our products do not come with a complete manual. In addition to waste reduction, this ensures that you always have an up-to-date manual that corresponds to the latest available software version of the product. The documents are generated as HTML for online reading or as a PDF file for printing (if paper is absolutely necessary) at the moment of clicking the link.
Leckage Protection Systems
- AQSBVS02: Leckage-Protection 'Plus' for Ball Valves [PDF] [HTML]
- AQSBVS01: Leckage-Protection 'Basic' for Ball Valves [PDF] [HTML]
- AQSKFR01: Leckage-Protection 'Basic' for Gate Valves [PDF] [HTML]
- AQSKFR02: Leckage-Protection 'Plus' for Gate Valves [PDF] [HTML]
- KFRFLO01: Leckage-Protection Offline for Gate Valves [PDF] [HTML]
- AQSWIE02: WIFI Water Leakage Monitor [PDF] [HTML], Developer Manual
- AQXWIE02: WIFI Monitor for Water Leckage and Water Usage [PDF] [HTML], Developer Manual
- AQMWIE01: Aqua-Meter Clamp with Wi-Fi [PDF] [HTML], Developer Manual
- RANWIE01: WIFI Rain Gauge [PDF] [HTML], Developer Manual
- PREWIE02: WIFI Water Pressure Sensor [PDF] [HTML], Developer Manual
- SCLWIE01: Smart Pipe Claw [PDF] [HTML], Developer Manual
- FLOLWE01: LoRaWAN Flood Sensor [PDF] [HTML]
- BVSLWE01: Motor Servo for Ball Valves [PDF] [HTML]
- KFRLWE01: Motor Servo for Angled Seat Valves [PDF] [HTML]
- RANLWE01: Aqua-Scope Rain Gauge LoRaWAN [PDF] [HTML]
- AQSLWE02: Aqua-Scope Monitor for LoRaWAN [PDF] [HTML]
- PRELWE02: Pressure Monitor LoRaWAN [PDF] [HTML]
- AQMLWE01: Aqua-Meter Clamp with LoRaWAN [PDF] [HTML]
- BVSLWE02: Motor Servo for Ball Valves (LoRaP2P) [PDF] [HTML]
- DRYLWE02: Bridge between AQS-LoRa and Dry Contacts [PDF] [HTML]
- FLOLWE02: Flood Sensor AQS-LoRa [PDF] [HTML]
- BVSZWE01: Motor Servo for Ball Valves Z-Wave [PDF] [HTML]
- ALIXXX01: Flood Sensor head with cable [PDF] [HTML]
Dry Contact Devices
- KFRDRY01: Dry Contact controlled Retrofit-Motor for Gate Valves [PDF] [HTML]
- KFRDRY02: Remote Dry Contact controlled Motor for Gate Valves [PDF] [HTML]
- BVSDRY01: Dry Contact controlled Retrofit-Motor for Ball Valves [PDF] [HTML]
- BVSDRY02: Remote Dry Contact controlled Motor for Ball Valves [PDF] [HTML]